25. August 2012, 13:00–23:00 h, Uferstudio 13
Two days preparation, ten hours of discussion. In this way five choreographers, dancers, musicians and dramaturgs approach the pieces, themes and artists in TANZNACHT BERLIN 2012. sommer.talks seeks excessive exchange, direct contact, filtering of the themes and dissecting artistic practice into its constituent parts. Exchange and communication! There will be rumination, silence, shop talk, passionate discussion, simpli- fication, complication, laughter and the themes will be pursued to the limit. The audience is invited to sit in, join in or simply to listen in.
Concept: Kerstin Schroth With: Begüm Erciyas, Ligia Manuela Lewis, Noha Ramadan & Juli Reinartz
sommer.talks timetable:
13:00 Hyoung-Min Kim, Tommi Zeuggin & Anja Steglich
14:00 Jana Unmüßig & Niels ‚Storm’ Robitzky
15:00 Gabi Beier, Willy Prager, Inge Koks
16:00 Minna Tiikkainen & Jefta van Dinther (tbc)
17:00 Felix M. Ott
18:00 Daniel AlmgrenRecén
19:00 An Kaler & Bruno Pucheron
20:00 Jeremy Wade & Brendan Dougherty
21:00 Diego Agulló & Isabelle Schad
22:00 Tian Rotteveel & Clément Layes