The Battle
25. August 2012, 19:00 h, Uferstudio 1
Dance has many motives and body images. They influence entire genres and build commonalities as well as communities. In hip hop an exchange of these separate movement styles takes place in so-called ‘battles’ in which dancers demonstrate their abilities in a contest. TANZNACHT BERLIN 2012 brings together proponents of the Berlin hip-hop scene and contemporary dance choreogra- phers for a unique ‘battle’. Less competition, more collaboration, they take to the stage one after another and show their talents for improvisation in the service of their own body language. The ‘battle’ goes from being a show of strength by insiders to a cross- genre platform of exchange for such diverse dance styles.
The Jury: Kadir ‘Amigo’ Memis, Franziska Werner & Adam Linder
Initiative & Konzeptentwicklung: Raphael Hillebrand, Kadir ‚Amigo’ Memis, Niels ‚Storm’ Robitzky & andere