Colette Sadler

22.–24. August 2012, performance & workshop for schools 
25. August 2012, 15.30 h, Uferstudio 4, performance (30 min.)

Entrance Free! Tickets at the box office.

Colette Sadler presents her choreography We are the Monsters and uses it as a starting point to research in workshops, along with children from different partner schools, the history of monsters from antiquity, through Loch Ness, right up to the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. Playfully the children encounter these occasionally strange forms and learn what is possible with their own bodies in order to make them monstrously contorted and what worlds are created through this change. At the end of the workshop they show their total personal transformation to their classmates in a seperate performance. On 25 August the small as well as the big monsters will be shown to the TANZNACHT BERLIN 2012 public.



Choreography: Colette Sadler
Performance: Sergiu Matis Jara Serrano Gonzalez Eva Baumann
Music: Noid

Gefördert durch die Europäische Union, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und das Land Berlin im Rahmen des Programms »Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil« Teilprogramm »Soziale Stadt«. Unterstützt durch Zapf Umzüge.