An Kaler studied Transmedial Art at University for Applied Arts Vienna and graduated from the BA pilot program “Contemporary Dance, Context, Choreography” at Inter-University Center for Dance, University of the Arts Berlin in 2010. An Kaler’s artistic practice combines choreography and visual art.
In 2010 An Kaler started working on a longterm creative and physical practice, within which a series of works developed.
The first series – Insignificant Others consisted of the raw practice-performance Untitled Stills in 2010/11 and the piece (learning to look sideways) that premiered at Tanzquartier Vienna in December 2011 and was subsequently presented at Tanztage / Sophiensaele Berlin, at Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, at ImPulsTanz Vienna and Tanznacht Berlin in 2012, as well as in the frame of RMNSC Krakau and in STUK Leuven in 2013.
The following series On Orientations (2013) has been presented in it’s first edition as an installative Solo-Performance – On Orientations | one place after – in Uferstudios / Tanzfabrik Berlin, Tanzquartier Vienna and in the frame of PNEU at Gallery Ropac Halle in Salzburg.
The second edition – On Orientations | Untimely Encounters – premiered at Tanzquartier Vienna / TBA 21 and was adapted site-specifically to HAU 3 / Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, for New Dance Malta Festival at Art Stations Foundation / Poznan, for “Ausufern”/Uferstudios Berlin and for Bonniers Konsthall in the frame of BodyTalk / Dans Stockholm.
2014 An Kaler is working on Contingencies – a group-piece in several distinct versions. After the premiere of a first edition of Contingencies in Uferstudio 14 / Tanzfabrik Berlin in February 2014 different versions of the piece were presented at Tanzquartier Vienna, at Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis as well as at ImPulsTanz Vienna.
On Orientations | Shifting the burden
Galerie Patrick Ebensperger, 28. – 31. August, 12:00 – 18:00 Uhr
27. August, 19:30 Uhr Vernissage