Monica Antezana born 1977 in Bolivia, obtained a MA in Science of Education (Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia), a BA in Dance and Choreography (Rotterdam Dance Academy, The Netherlands) and a MA in Performances Studies (Hamburg University, Germany). She works as a freelance choreographer, performer and movement educator. Since 2006 Monica produced, choreographed and performed in Hamburg and toured in Germany five solos, one group piece and one duet. During 2007 she was Resident Choreographer at K3 Centre for Choreography Hamburg. She was invited with her solo babel fish moves for the German Dance Platform 2010. In 2013 Monica created MOVELAB Dance Centre with base in Dubai. MOVELAB is a unique dance concept in the United Arab Emirates, which focuses on the exploration of movement –instead of the reproduction of steps. With MOVELAB Monica works teaching Creative Movement to children and adults of all skill levels; designing Educational Dance Programs for the curriculum of schools; coaching Performance & Choreography workshops and projects for professional dancers or professionals in any other fields; as well as making and performing Dance Works.
„Der Carpenter-Effekt“
31. August, 8:30 pm, Studio 5