shifts – art in movement/David Brandstätter & Malgven Gerbes „Festina Lente – Make haste slowly“
30. August, 5 pm, Studio 1 | TICKETS
(60 Min)
Festina Lente, ‘make haste slowly’ in Latin, is an installation comprising five dancers whose movements are displaced by the audience. But who is the audience? Who is a performer? On this evening, the boundaries are fluid. The dancers take their impulses from the spectators – setting the dancers in movement. At first glance it is a simple game but during the course of the evening our handling of expectation and disappointment is revealed. With time and space. With a light touch, Festina Lente develops its dynamic from the moment. The audience conducts the rhythm and progress of what happens: sometimes movements effect an individual dancer, sometimes the whole group. Sometimes abstract dynamics are effected, sometimes the dramatic sequence of the whole piece. A choreography full of surprises in which the dancers are in the hands of the audience. Or are they pursuing a totally different goal?
Choreography & concept: Malgven Gerbes, David Brandstätter. Dance & choreographic collaboration: Vidal Bini, Caroline Allaire, I-Fen Lin, Sebastian Kurth, Malgven Gerbes. Composition: Ruth Wiesenfeld Lighting design: Bruno Pocheron. Text & dramaturgical advisor: David Williams.
Production: shifts art in movement Production management: Katja Kettner.
FESTINA LENTE is a shifts art in movement, CCN Le Havre and Fabrik Potsdam co-production. Supported by funds from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, DRAG Haute Normandie and the Region Haute Normandie, Le conseil Général de Seine Maritime. With friendly cooperation of: La Compagnie Beau Geste, Le Rive Gauche – Scène Conventionnée de St Etienne du Rouvray, Le résau Labaye, Odia Normandie – Office de Diffusion et d’Information Artistique en Haute-Normandie.
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