Siegmar Zacharias & Alice Chauchat “Invasive Hospitality #4”
28. August, 9:30 pm, TICKETS ON-SITE
Galerie Patrick Ebensperger
(60 Min)
The lecture performance Invasive Hospitality is a dialogue between two people. It is based on 3 rules. 1) They draw concepts and explain them. 2) They may only interrupt each other with the phrase “this reminds me of the song…” mentioning the title, the author and why they are thinking of it right now. 3) They go over the drawings again using them as diagrams to talk about performance. Some of the realized concepts are: Hospitality (Derridy), Love (Badiou), Nothingness, Representation (Garcia).
Invasive Hospitality is an exercise in thinking together in churning over how we think when we think about what we think. It explores how performance strategies create their own space, dynamics and frictional points in juxtaposing high and low culture, material and theory, image and word, private and public, repetition and ellipsis. Siegmar Zacharias created the format in collaboration with Sophia New and invites guests / colleagues to build a glossary of performance vis á vis theory. At 8. Tanznacht Berlin the invited guest is choreographer Alice Chauchat.
Concept: Siegmar Zacharias. Guest: Alice Chauchat. Earlier versions: documenta13/critical art ensemble Kassel, MDT Stockholm, critical path, Sydney
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