Dragana Bulut “Where is the Zombie?” Episode 2

28. August, 8 pm, Studio 11 | TICKETS

There’s nothing to be afraid of.
 Survival is the key.
 Knowledge is a part of the struggle for survival; the rest is up to you. You choose whether you get stuck in passive acceptance or stand up and shout, “I won’t be a victim! I’ll survive.” The choice is yours. So: shut windows, barricade doors, hoard water and food, make sure you have a radio, flashlight, tool kit, first aid kit, clothing, bedding, maps, important personal documents, cash, and other supplies that you may need for the first few days until you find a shelter. After you have made your emergency kit, organise into groups and make a plan in case of attack. Identify the possible risks in your area. Make a list of local services like the police, fire department and local emergency response team. Carefully plan your escape route. That way you’ll always have the advantage and if you succeed – they won’t stand a chance!

In English.

Author: Dragana Bulut.
 Artistic collaboration: Ljiljana Tasić, Ana Monteiro.
 Dramaturgy: Ana Vujanović.
 Support: Stanica service for contempoarary dance Belgrade, Tanzstipendium, der Regierende Bürgermeister Berlin, Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, Ministry of Culture of Serbia. The first episode of the project was supported by Jardin d’Europe.


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