The focal point and heart of the Tanznacht festival will be an open-air lounge in the Uferstudios courtyard where people can meet, and artistic positions converge. Performative radio formats, music and dance concerts, an open mic event on fan fiction and a walk-in performance dedicated to society’s freest resource – the imagination – are all scheduled to take place here over the four days of the festival. Framing these community-building live experiences will be a video installation by Julian Weber, on show throughout the festival: «No Hard Feelings» is a collection and documentation of dances created during the pandemic period.
To ensure that the Tanznacht-audience also gets its culinary money’s worth, the café-resto-bar of ‹Ana Conda› will be open. The process-oriented research space, which also includes a LAB, is run by the artists and curators of neue häute e.V. and is currently being used together with ‹Soydivision›. The collective, which positions itself at the intersection of art and activism, already carries its tasteful orientation in its name:
Look forward to a fine selection of Indonesian dishes & snacks as well as refreshing drinks with and without alcohol!
For full details of all events in the open-air lounge, see the section headed ‹Program› .