Pioneers of Ghost Wave the band ‹RITAS› situate their liminal incantations at the threshold between this world and the many others that they delicately cultivate a window onto for their audiences. Drawing from the lost futures that permeate the everyday, band members Brandon Johnson, Xenia Taniko and Martin Hansen reformulate what it means to hope when you have decided that it’s ok to acknowledge the darkness.
Background info: How the band ‹RITAS› came about …
Martin Hansen choreographs bodies, texts, sounds and other materials, oftentimes to explore the politics and poetics of time on the body. They locate their drive in the slippages, leaks and fading out of affect and collision.
Xenia Taniko is an artist working in choreography and performance, based in Berlin. In their work they use physical intensity, voice, sound and props as visceral means of bringing forth other forms of knowledge and embodiment on and off stage.
Brandon Johnson is a performer, musician and sound artist who sonically engages with shadows, ghosts, liminal spaces, thresholds and intersections. As a bassist he forms connective tissue while rendering it transparent, seeking the centre in the interstices.