Penelope Wehrli, born 1957 in Zürich, lives presently in Berlin. She creates performance, site specific installation, film, video, from 1980–94 mainly in New York, and also Tel Aviv, Kassel, Berlin. Wehrli created spaces and costumes for the stage for the Choreographic Theater of Johann Kresniks from 1990–98, and a.o. for Jossie Wieler, Dimiter Gottscheff, Reinhild Hoffmann and Robert Schuster. She also invented spaces as independently functioning testing grounds: Last: A dream within a dream, Direction: Barbara Frey, Schauspielhaus Zürich, 2010. • Feuerfluss: Installations and public burning actions on violence/suicide in New York, Gent, Berlin, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrad, 1994–97. • aether: an experimental telecommunication series to explore dialog situations. She has written and directed: a.o. operation solaris, Staatsbank Berlin, 2001; Emily on the rocks, Podewil Berlin, 2003/05; Heute mittag sitzt er nicht im Beijing, Palast der Republik, Berlin, 2004, camera orfeo, Radialsystem V, Berlin, 2009. Penelope Wehrli was Professor for Scenography at the HfG Karlsruhe from 2004–09.
House Of Snow (Real time generated video and sound installation)
Galerie Patrick Ebensberger, 28. – 31. August, 12 am – 6 pm
27. August, 7:30 pm Vernissage