Christoph Winkler „Das wahre Gesicht – Dance is Not Enough“
30. August, 8 pm, Studio 12 | TICKETS
(90 Min)
Using the term ‘dance & politics’, Christoph Winkler looks at the clash of state and citizen in times of capitalist crisis. Demonstrations of power impact against demonstrations of protest and generate unique aesthetics of conflict. The scenarios, be they street theatre, contemporary art or arts activism, are eloquent testimonials of a generation that only knows capitalism as a permanent state of crisis. However, as in every ideological demonstration, there are gaps that point to something the protagonists miss. Kettling by the police against sitting demonstrations does not just mean strong against weak because the ‘mime’ of the protests oscillate in their meanings. How and under what circumstances can protests say anything anyway? Winkler searches for answers with humour and earnestness with four dancers and actors.
Concept: Christoph Winkler. By and with: Ahmed Soura, Chris Daftsios, Luke Garwood, Luis Rodriguez. Creative Consulting: Mirko Winkel. Technical: André Schulz. Costumes: Lisa Kentner. Set Design Assistance: För Künkel. Voice Training: Bernadette La Hengst Production: ehrliche arbeit – freelance office for culture. A Christoph Winkler and ehrliche arbeit production in co-operation with Ballhaus Ost. Funded by the City of Berlin and the three-year conceptual fund of the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V., made possible by the Federal Cultural Foundation. Supported by Phase7.
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