
General info

Studio 14 is almost at ground level. In the studios themselves there is no raised area or similar. There is a slight slope of 1.0% from the outside to the entrance of each studio. Studio 14 has two wheelchair places. The barrier-free toilet is located in the opposite stall in front of Studio 3. Approximately 6 meters must be covered in the open to reach the toilet.

Relaxed Performance

The 25-hour performance marathon of Tanznacht Berlin will take place as a Relaxed Performance. Relaxed Performances would like to welcome all visitors for whom sitting still for a long time in the theatre is a barrier (for example autistic people, people with Tourette’s, with learning difficulties or chronic pain). Noises and movements from the audience are welcome. Visitors can leave and return to the auditorium at any time.


As the festival is conceptualized as a relaxed performance, we warmly invite families with children to attend the performances of Tanznacht – especially during the family-friendly hours on Saturday from 12:00-16:00. We do not offer childcare, but free admission for all children up to 10 years old. There are also plenty of opportunities for children to crawl, play and rest in the foyer and car-free courtyard. Our free children’s dance workshop is for all children ages 5-10.

While the Tanznacht Berlin festival is not specifically designed for young audiences, this year we are making special efforts to earn the label ‘family friendly’ for the first time. In cooperation with the Dance and Parenthood WG, we are testing family-friendly offers that also enable parents with children to attend dance events. In autumn, the WG will develop a label for family-friendly venues based on the findings of various events.

On Saturday, September 9th, we offer a free dance workshop from 2:00-3:30pm with Lea Martini for children from age 5-10 in Uferstudio 1. More info and registration:

In cooperation with AG Tanz und Elternschaft:

The AG Tanz und Elternschaft (Dance and Parenthood Working Group) is an association and initiative of dance professionals in Berlin with the aim of improving the working conditions of dance professionals in parenthood. The development of the label is supported by Fonds Daku.

Audio Description

In order to make its programme accessible to blind and visually impaired people, Tanznacht Berlin offers audio descriptions for selected time slots.

A professional speaker describes visual details such as movement, gestures, facial expressions, scenery, costumes and props. The audio descriptions are usually live audio tracks that are transmitted to the audience via a wireless headphone system.

We offer audio descriptions at the following time slots:

Friday, September 8th, 8:10pm – 9:10pm
Friday, September 8th, 9:50pm – 10:50pm
Saturday, September 9th, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Saturday, September 9th, 5:40pm – 6:40pm

Registration: 030 / 200 592 70 or via email at

More information about the four slots can be found on our program page.

The Tanznacht trailer for blind and visually impaired people (in German) can be found here:

In cooperation with Gravity Access Services Berlin / Jess Curtis

If you have further questions about accessibility, feel free to contact Inge Zysk by email at: or by phone: 030 / 200 592 70.

For more information on the venue’s accessibility, visit Uferstudios website: