Uferstr. 8 / 23 & Badstr. 41a
13357 Berlin
how to get here: U8 Pankstraße, U9 Nauener Platz, S-Bahn Gesundbrunnen
Uferstudios is a wheelchair accessible venue.
Free and limited outdoor parking spaces for people with disabilities are available. They are located directly in the courtyard of Uferstudios.
Wheelchair accessible public transportation:
U Osloer Straße U8 and U9 + 500 m on Schwedenstraße
U Nauenerstraße + 10 minutes walk
Tanznacht Berlin Office
Phone: 030 200 592 70
Project Manager and Curator: Jacopo Lanteri
Co-Curator: July Weber
Co-Project Manager: Inge Zysk
Technical director: Andreas Harder
Technical coordination: Martin Pilz
Controlling: Raquel Moreira
Production management: Cilia Jonda, Melanie Klimmer, Kim Walz
Internship production management: Josephine Barner
Marketing: Micha Tsouloukidse
PR: Anna Königshofer
Social Media: Dominique Tegho
Ticketing: Leonie Naomi Baur, Alícia Miquel
Translations: Charlotte Hughes-Kreutz
Visual Concept and Design: Eps51
General coordination and finances Tanzfabrik Berlin: Barbara Greiner
Tanznacht Berlin is presented by Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V.
Board: Gisela Müller, Gabriele Reuter, Jacopo Lanteri